...with our body, we are in the presence of a force and intelligence that is filled with wisdom, that is loving, flawlessly reliable, and, strange to say, worthy of our deepest devotion.
— Reginald Ray
Reg open.png

Regardless of what time of day you wake up, or what time zone you’re in, you’ll receive a “Good Morning! Pack” before the retreat, full of resources to help guide your day, from the moment you open your eyes!

Attend every session, or pick the ones that interest you the most. The day is yours, so follow your soul!

10:30am EST* - Session 1: The Body Is In The Soul with Christa Hesselink and special guests: Resonant Soul

11:30am - Session 2: Keynote Address: The Wise Body with Dr. Hillary McBride

12:20pm - Optional Breakout Discussion during Lunch (lunch break on your own)

1:00pm - 1:50pm: Session 3: Intuitive Eating with Heidi Smith

2:00pm - 2:50pm: Session 4: Tune In with Lynn Holden

2:50pm-3:15pm: Break and prepare for movement class

3:15pm to 4:05pm - Session 5: Embodied Empowerment Movement Class with Robin Lacambra from GOODBODYFEEL

*and, if you’re not feeling like being behind a screen, you’ll receive a resource for a self-guided reflective walk

4:15pm - Session 6: Introduction to Sacred Dreamwork with Allie Kochert

5:05pm - Closing Session

5:30pm - END

(*note: all times are Eastern Time Zone)

ALL of the sessions are LIVE. There will be no recording of any of the sessions.