Learning to Walk in the Dark BOOK CLUB
to Apr 19

Learning to Walk in the Dark BOOK CLUB

Perhaps there has never been a more appropriate time to read this gorgeous book by New York Times best-selling author, Barbara Brown Taylor.

Many of us feel as though we are chaffing, fighting, and struggling against the challenges and darkness of this unique season in history. And while fighting can be appropriate, this book will remind us how to approach “the night” a bit differently.

This book club is unique. There are two ways you can participate.

1) Join a group of people as we read the book together during the 2025 season of Lent. We’ll begin on Ash Wednesday, March 5 and follow a suggested reading guide through until Easter in April. Over the course of these six weeks, we’ll gather 2 times (over Zoom) to explore the themes of the book and find encouragement and support as we learn to walk in our own darkness.

*You will also receive 4 encouragement emails to support to amplify your reading.

2) Read at own pace, anytime and enjoy the chapter guide, contemplative resources, poems and playlists that accompany this stunning book. You do not need to use these resources or read the book during the 2025 Lenten season.

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The Enneagram for Organizational Leaders
9:30 AM09:30

The Enneagram for Organizational Leaders

The Enneagram for Organizational Leaders: A professional development experience

Hosted by Ignatius Jesuit Centre (Loyola House) in Guelph, ON.

Unlock your potential as a leader and help your organization and team thrive.

Whether you are a solo entrepreneur or an executive leader working with a large staff team, your ability to navigate the complexity of leadership is directly related to how well you know yourself and are able to have a skilful response in the big and small decisions and interactions that you’re confronted with.

The Enneagram is an industry-proven tool that supports leaders and teams to become more self-aware and helps create deep understanding, and synergy for healthier, happier ways of working together.

The goal of this professional development workshop is to gain valuable information and experiential learning that will support the important work you do. You’ll be joined by other local leaders in both the profit and non-profit space, and can enjoy the connection and networking over the course of the day.

The content of the sessions will be designed for those who are brand new to the Enneagram, and for those who are more seasoned, advanced, and knowledgeable. Everyone will walk away with a deeper understanding of themselves as a leader and tangible next steps to elevate how you work.

The workshop will include:

  • Understanding the foundational concepts of the Enneagram as a tool for personal and leadership development.

  • Digging into the nine types without drowning in overwhelm.

  • Address where the Enneagram comes from, and how it differs from other typology and personality assessments used in the organizational development space.

  • Highlight the strengths and blind spots of each type and as a result what each type needs to “win at work”.

  • Learn how to work with difficult and challenging personalities and receive tools to get on the same page.

  • Discover the basic fears and coping strategy of each type in order to see how they limit your leadership and the healthy function of your team.

  • Learning about the “laws of behaviour” and a transformational model that you can use as you feel triggered in certain situations that diminish your leadership.

  • Learn how the Enneagram can be used as a rich development experience for you and your teams in the future.

The schedule and pace of the day will also offer meaningful times of personal reflection, ample opportunity to ask questions, networking with other leaders, delicious food, and the relaxing environment of the Ignatius Jesuit Centre.

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For Spiritual Directors - The Enneagram and your SD Practice
9:30 AM09:30

For Spiritual Directors - The Enneagram and your SD Practice

The Enneagram & Spiritual Direction: a training for Spiritual Directors

Hosted by Ignatius Jesuit Centre (Loyola House) in Guelph, ON.

The goal of this day-long workshop is to slow yourself down in a restoring retreat setting and gain valuable information and experiential learning that will support the important work you do as a spiritual director. You’ll be joined by other spiritual directors and can enjoy the connection and networking over the course of the day.

The content of the sessions will be designed for those who are brand new to the Enneagram, and for those who are more seasoned, advanced, and knowledgeable. Everyone will walk away with a deeper understanding of themselves and new, spiritual practices of support.

Our workshop leader is Christa Hesselink, a certified Enneagram practitioner and certified spiritual director and coach.  She is the founder of SoulPlay.ca and has been supporting the spiritual formation of individuals and groups for over twenty years.

The workshop will include:

  • Understanding the foundational concepts of Self and Soul as a way to frame the Enneagram tool

  • Digging into the nine types without drowning in overwhelm

  • Exploring the important core principles that will help you become more aware of yourself as a director, and how your enneagram type interacts with those of your directees.

  • Discover the basic fears and coping strategy of each type as a way to support your clients with more skill and compassion

  • Learn about the habits of emotional and mental attention and how uncovering them leads to greater freedom and flourishing

  • Exploring the “laws of behaviour” and a universal model of transformational you can use for yourself and those your support

  • Digging into tangible spiritual practices for each enneagram type and walk away with ideas to adapt in your own work

  • Lunch crafted by renowned Loyola House kitchen

The schedule and pace of the workshop will also offer meaningful times of personal reflection, ample opportunity to ask questions, connection with others, delicious food, and the cozy, restoring environment of Loyola House at IJC.

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Weekend Retreat with the Enneagram
to Jan 19

Weekend Retreat with the Enneagram

This retreat is hosted by the Ignatius Jesuit Centre with Christa Hesselink guiding all weekend long.

The goal of this weekend experience is to slow yourself down in a restoring retreat setting and gain valuable tools for self-reflection and awareness building. Over the course of the weekend, Christa will be leading you to gain deeper understanding of the Enneagram and how to use it well in your own life for your personal transformation.

The content of the sessions will be designed for those who are brand new to the Enneagram, and for those who are more seasoned, advanced, and knowledgeable. Everyone will walk away with a deeper understanding of themselves and new, spiritual practices of support.  

The weekend sessions will build on one another and will include:

-Understanding the foundational concepts of Self as a way to frame the Enneagram tool

-Digging into the nine types without drowning in overwhelm

-Exploring the important core principles that often get lost in our “ennea-meme” culture 

-Address where the Enneagram comes from, and how it differs from other typology and personality assessments

-Highlight the gifts of each type and how you can move into your true vocation as a human being

-Discover the basic fears and coping strategy of each type and do some concrete work and practicing how these fears grip and our coping strategies limit us

-Uncover our habits of emotional and mental attention and lean in and learn more about what gives us our super-powers, and what’s getting in our way of our flourishing

-Learning about the “laws of behaviour” and a transformational model that you can use as you feel triggered in certain situations.

-Digging into tangible spiritual practices for each enneagram type


The schedule and pace of the weekend will also offer meaningful times of personal reflection, ample opportunity to ask questions, connection with others, delicious food, and the cozy, restoring environment of retreat.

We need transformation like never before. Click the Register Now button to learn more ( location, costs, accomodations, etc.) and be directed to the Ignatius Jesuit Centre website.

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A Year End Review Experience
to Jan 5

A Year End Review Experience

Why not take some time at the end of this year to review, reflect, reframe and reclaim.

In this do-at-your-own pace online experience, Christa will thoughtfully guide you through soul-centered reflection and experiential exercises that will give you the tools to process your year, know yourself better, and take your next right step for the year to come.

You’ll walk away with calm-clarity and centered-hope for the days ahead.

This online experience is designed to refresh you and help you:

  • REVIEW: Identify your own key soul-shaping moments from the previous year

  • REFLECT: Take time to discover what truly moved you and its impact on you

  • REFRAME: Address this year’s disappointments, challenges, and pain with gentleness & ground yourself in what is most true

  • RECLAIM: Make a realistic ‘plan’ to re-align and find resilient ways of living well in the year to come

When you purchase the session, you can complete it in as little or a much time as you’d like. You can start and stop as you wish. This experience will include:

  • 4 video reflections from Christa (45 minutes in total) supporting your review and reflection

  • Contemplative practices to ground and centre you

  • Reflection activities to help you listen to your soul and take your next right step into the new year

  • Downloadable PDF handout pages that you can use over and over again

  • Clear instructions and thoughtful ideas to help you review your year with grace

  • Bonus reflection experiences and embodied practices you can use away from your computer ( ie. reflective walking guide, poems, journal questions, blessings, etc.)

  • Audio Spotify Playlist to amplify your reflection experience with a gorgeous ambient soundtrack

  • 10% off personal coaching session to process your experience with Christa (if used by the end of February).

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Slow Advent: DIY Guided Reflections & Resources for Advent
to Dec 25

Slow Advent: DIY Guided Reflections & Resources for Advent

What if this Advent & Christmas season could feel a bit different this year? What if there was a bit more slow. A bit more quiet.

What if there was a bit more depth to your experience of the peace, hope, joy, and love that is highlighted all month long.

Could this Advent season really be about experiencing some comfort & joy? What if tuning into all of your senses, and surrendering to the Reality of your life leads you to an awakened connection and appreciation for yourself, others, God, and the natural world.

Whether you’re brand new to the season of Advent, or this season has been a meaningful part of your year for a long time, you’re invited to take some reflective time this month to reset, refresh, and restore.

You’re invited to participate in these do-at-your-own pace reflections designed to keep you centered and not overwhelmed. They are simple, and will help you:

  • slow down, listen deeply, and be present to the season

  • ground yourself in Love so you’re giving from the heart this season

  • draw closer to the loving heart of God through thoughtfully curated Advent prayers

  • learn of the history and meaning of this beautiful Christian season of hope

  • help you process, pray, and appreciate the closing to another year

  • find renewed meaning in the season of Advent as a beautiful preparation for Christmas

  • discover new ways to experience this month with hope, peace and joy

  • learn some spiritual practices to help you centre yourself during the hectic pace of December

  • NEW FOR 2024! - Slow Advent LIVE “SLOW DOWN’S” on Zoom. Four Sundays of Advent, 8:30pm - 9pm EST

…and you can take as much or as little of the resources each week you’d like. You’ll have access to these resources year over year.

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(Postponed to 2025) Holy Hibernation: a gathering as the light retreats
7:30 PM19:30

(Postponed to 2025) Holy Hibernation: a gathering as the light retreats

Holy Hibernation: learning how to survive November and preparing to thrive all winter long

PLEASE NOTE: This experience has been postponed until 2025.

What if this upcoming season was something to look forward to, instead of something to dread?

What if there were undiscovered gifts to receive from the cold, dark, and quiet of late fall and early winter?

You’re invited to an ONLINE gathering on November 3, the first evening of daylight savings time.

We’ll experience the retreat of the light together in a restorative 90 minute session, full of meaningful moments of reflection:

  • you’ll slow down, listen deeply, and be present to the wisdom of the season

  • you’ll ground yourself in Something bigger, turning inward instead of being pulled by your roles, responsibilities and relationships - even if it’s just for the 90 minutes.

  • you’ll learn what it means to “decorate the dark”, and how spiritual traditions have led the way.

  • find renewed meaning in cycles of transformation, seeing how hibernation is imperative to wholeness

  • draw closer to your own needs and priorities in order to thrive over the next few months

  • discover new ways to experience this season with hope, peace and joy

Christa Hesselink will serve as your guide sharing some insight and teaching as well as using images, poetry, music, and contemplative practices to create a truly restorative experience.

…and it’s priced for everyone to participate. It’s only $20/person, and if financial constraints are an issue, just let Christa know - everyone should be able to attend.

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"Wide Alive" Fall 2024
to Nov 25

"Wide Alive" Fall 2024

Mind Clear | Heart Light | Body Loved | Soul Strong

Your adventure to greater awareness, love and personal transformation is about to begin.

This is not a self-help program, but a “self-hope” experience. It isn’t a course to fix yourself, but to find yourself, and live with aliveness in whatever circumstance you find yourself in. Christa will serve not simply as a guide, but as a fellow pilgrim too.

While you may want to frame this experience as “a course”, or “a learning cohort”, it may be best to describe this as a “community of belonging & practice”. This will be an experience that supports participants with practical steps to live with vitality, compassion, presence, and hope - to live Wide Alive, even when it’s difficult.


In the past this experience has been offered over the course of six months (January - June), but it’s been reformatted to make it more accessible to more people - it’s shorter (only 6 weeks), and it costs over 50% less!

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Fall Soul Circle - Tuesdays in October
to Oct 29

Fall Soul Circle - Tuesdays in October

Are you looking for a unique way to deepen your connection to your soul, tune into Spirit, ground in God, develop discernment, and discover new ways to pray? Whether you have been a person of faith for a long time, are in a season of doubt and disorientation, or coming into a brand new awareness of God in your life, regardless of tradition or creed, spiritual direction can be valuable support on a person’s spiritual path.

  • Five Consecutive Tuesdays - October 1, 8, 15 ,22, 29 , 2024

  • 7:30pm EST - 9:00pm EST

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SOLD OUT - This Blooming Life - Day Retreat
10:00 AM10:00

SOLD OUT - This Blooming Life - Day Retreat

Are you looking for a special way to slow down and reflect on what really matters? Mid Summer is the perfect time to take a pause and wake up to your soul. This season is full of delight and beauty to be experienced.

This Blooming Life is a unique day-long retreat that will draw you into yourself, while you’re learning from the wisdom of flowers.

We’ll be taking the day to wander among the flowers, learning to see what they have to teach us, and how their delicate, fragile, yet hardy presence can encourage us when we have eyes to see.

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(Full) - Pilgrimage Days on the Elora Cataract Trail
to Jul 14

(Full) - Pilgrimage Days on the Elora Cataract Trail

The pilgrimage is FULL. Registration is now closed.

The Elora-Cataract Trail is a 50km trail located in one of the prettiest areas of southwestern Ontario. The trail rolls through forest and farmland and is a perfect place to slow down so you can wake up to what your soul is saying to you. The terrain is flat and even and perfect for most people.

NEW FOR 2024!

Walk a shorter distance on part of the trail on one day only, or complete the entire 50km over the weekend. Choose your own adventure based on your ability, schedule and finances! Descriptions of options are below.

This trip is perfect for singles, couples, small staff teams, or a weekend getaway with friends. We will be walking some of the time together, and some of the time on our own. And, we’ll walk rain or shine!

The entire pilgrimage will be supported by Christa as she offers helpful expert advice and resources to help you have the most meaningful experience possible. You’ll reflect on your life, gain insight into what your soul is wanting to say to you, and find a restoring calm as you walk yourself back to life!

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Summer "Soul-o" DIY Mini Retreats - anytime & anywhere!
to Sep 22

Summer "Soul-o" DIY Mini Retreats - anytime & anywhere!

  • Google Calendar ICS

Summer “Soul-o”

DIY Mini- Retreats to Refresh all Summer Long

If you’re looking for a summer of soul-full abundance, these 6 self-guided mini-retreats will lead you toward more health, happiness, and vitality.

Think of it like a spa for your soul all summer long!

We will explore six themes (see below) that mirror the movements of the summer season so that when September arrives you will have a new perspective and gratitude that you long for.

You can use one, two, or all six of these retreats. The choice is yours!

Each of the 6 mini retreats will include:

  • a short video by Christa exploring the theme

  • a guide to offer unique practices that help bring more play to your soul!

  • poetry, music, podcasts, and videos to support your experience

  • plus, there will be 3 optional Zoom gatherings with Christa and other participants

This will be a unique experience that is designed to restore you, and not overwhelm you.

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(Sold Out!) SoulWay Retreat 2024
to Apr 21

(Sold Out!) SoulWay Retreat 2024

  • Google Calendar ICS

Spring Rising” - Give yourself permission to pause, to rest and come alive!

Learning from the deep wisdom of the Spring season, the 2024 SoulWay Retreat will guide you in slowing down and waking up to your life while appreciating the wonder and glory of this spectacular season.

This in-person retreat will be held at Crieff Hills Retreat Centre - Guelph, Ontario. Overnight & commuter options are available.

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Wide Alive 2024
to Jun 13

Wide Alive 2024

Mind Clear | Heart Light | Body Loved | Soul Strong

Your adventure to greater awareness, love and personal transformation is about to begin.

While you may want to frame this experience as “a course”, or “a learning cohort”, it may be best to describe this as a “community of belonging & practice”. This will be an experience that supports participants with practical steps to live with vitality, compassion, presence, and hope - to live Wide Alive, even when it’s difficult.

This is not a self-help program, but a “self-hope” experience. It isn’t a course to fix yourself, but to find yourself, and live with aliveness in whatever circumstance you find yourself in. Christa will serve not simply as a guide, but as a fellow pilgrim too.

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Soul Goals Half-Day Workshop -  Gasworks, Hamilton, Ontario
12:30 PM12:30

Soul Goals Half-Day Workshop - Gasworks, Hamilton, Ontario

What is your soul saying to you these days?  Do you know how to hear and listen to it?

This workshop is designed to help you slow down so you can wake up and listen.

 Through a series of gently guided reflections and experiential exercises, you will have the quiet space, time, and support to gain more clarity, confidence and calm.

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Tune-In + Tune-Up Winter Coaching Packages
to Apr 30

Tune-In + Tune-Up Winter Coaching Packages

Coaching “Tune-In + Tune-up!” Package

The turn of the season, as well as the calendar year is often a time to take stock, reestablish some routine, set some goals, and dive into exploring the invitation Life has for you. Having a companion, like a coach to come alongside you, whether it’s related to personal or professional development, can help you tune-in to your deeper wisdom, and tune-up parts of your life that are needing some attention.

  • Work with Christa to identify your specific coaching goals to be addressed in 3 sessions. This can include using the Enneagram tool or not.

  • $480 (includes all taxes) for three, 50-60 minute sessions to be used anytime between September 5 & December 15, 2023 or January 15 - April 30, 2024.

  • This package is a special discount of $30 off, offered for NEW clients only.

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The Year That Was  & The One To come
to Jan 31

The Year That Was & The One To come

Each year that pass is unique.

Individually, and collectively, we all go through the 365 days of the year bravely, never knowing what tomorrow holds.

Your own individual path has held profound moments since the turn of the calendar year many months ago - moments that have shaped your present and will shape the year to come.

It’s no wonder that so many of us have an impulse to reflect on the events of our year, how they’ve shaped us, the lessons we’ve learned, and taking time to intentionally imagine the year to come.

In this DIY online experience, Christa , over the course of 4, short videos, will thoughtfully guide you through soul-centered reflection and experiential exercises that will give you the tools to process your year, know yourself better, and take your next right step for the year to come.

You’ll walk away with calm-clarity and centered-hope for the days ahead.

This simple & refresheing online experience is designed to help you:

  • REVIEW: Identify your own key soul-shaping moments from the previous year

  • REFLECT: Take time to discover what truly moved you and its impact on you

  • REFRAME: Address this year’s disappointments, challenges, and pain with gentleness & ground yourself in what is most true

  • RECLAIM: Make a realistic ‘plan’ to re-align and find resilient ways of living well in the year to come

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The Enneagram & Your Transformation - 4 part workshop
to Nov 12

The Enneagram & Your Transformation - 4 part workshop

Four Consecutive Mondays in November - 6, 13, 20, 27 from 7:30pm - 9pm EST.

These four workshops will be appropriate for those who are brand new to the Enneagram, and for those who are more seasoned and knowledgeable.

  1. Solid Ground: Learning the foundations of the Enneagram and how transformation unfolds in us

  2. Diving Deeper: Exploring the nine types without drowning

  3. Pathways: Learning our emotional & mental habits and uncovering new patterns for personal growth

  4. Practical Presence: Discovering tangible practices for your type that leads to your flourishing

  • We’ll explore the important core principles that often get lost in our “ennea-meme” culture and lay a strong foundation for why we should even use the Enneagram as a tool for self-development.

  • Address where the Enneagram comes from, and how it differs from other typology and personality assessments

  • We’ll dig into the Basic Fears of each type and do some concrete work and practicing how these fears grip and limit us

  • Perhaps one of the greatest assets the Enneagram map gives us is how it shows our habits of emotional and mental attention. We’ll pull apart some our own habitual patterns in order to lean in and learn more about what gives us our super-powers, and what’s getting in our way of our flourishing

  • Learn about the “laws of behaviour” and a transformational model that you can use as you feel triggered in certain situations.

  • Digging into tangible spiritual practices for each enneagram type

The goal of this one month experience is to gain valuable tools for self-reflection and awareness building, a deeper understanding of the Enneagram, and how to use it well in your own life for your personal transformation.

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(FULL) Fall Soul Circle
7:30 PM19:30

(FULL) Fall Soul Circle

Are you looking for a unique way to deepen your connection to your soul, tune into Spirit, ground in God, develop discernment, and discover new ways to pray? Whether you have been a person of faith for a long time, are in a season of doubt and disorientation, or coming into a brand new awareness of God in your life, regardless of tradition or creed, spiritual direction can be valuable support on a person’s spiritual path.

  • Five Consecutive Wednesdays - November 1, 8, 15 ,22, 29

  • 7:30pm EST - 9:00pm EST

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Autumn Saunter: 8km Loop Trail in gorgeous Elora, Ontario
1:00 PM13:00

Autumn Saunter: 8km Loop Trail in gorgeous Elora, Ontario

Are you looking for an experience to reset and refresh for the season ahead? Need a bit of time to move your body, and listen to your soul, all while walking in peace?

There’s something incredibly restorative about the rural, pastoral landscape of southwestern Ontario. This reflective walking experience will help you tune in, and gain clarity and perspective for the days ahead.

Give yourself the gift of slowing down, so you can wake up and listen to your soul.

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Tune-In + Tune-Up Fall Coaching Packages
to Nov 15

Tune-In + Tune-Up Fall Coaching Packages

Coaching “Tune-In + Tune-up!” Package

The turn of the season, as well as the calendar year is often a time to take stock, reestablish some routine, set some goals, and dive into exploring the invitation Life has for you. Having a companion, like a coach to come alongside you, whether it’s related to personal or professional development, can help you tune-in to your deeper wisdom, and tune-up parts of your life that are needing some attention.

  • Work with Christa to identify your specific coaching goals to be addressed in 3 sessions. This can include using the Enneagram tool or not.

  • $480 (includes all taxes) for three, 50-60 minute sessions to be used anytime between September 5 & December 15, 2023 or January 15 - April 30, 2024.

  • This package is a special discount of $30 off, offered for NEW clients only.

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(SOLD OUT) This Blooming Life
10:00 AM10:00

(SOLD OUT) This Blooming Life

Are you looking for a special way to slow down and reflect on what really matters? Mid Summer is the perfect time to take a pause and wake up to your soul. This season is full of delight and beauty to be experienced.

This Blooming Life is a unique day-long retreat that will draw you into yourself, while you’re learning from the wisdom of flowers.

We’ll be taking the day to wander among the flowers, learning to see what they have to teach us, and how their delicate, fragile, yet hardy presence can encourage us when we have eyes to see.

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Pilgrimage on the Elora Cataract Trail
to Jul 16

Pilgrimage on the Elora Cataract Trail

The Elora-Cataract Trail is a 50km trail located in one of the prettiest areas of southwestern Ontario. The trail rolls through forest and farmland and is a perfect place to slow down so you can wake up to what your soul is saying to you. The terrain is flat and perfect for most pilgrims.

Group size is 6-8 people. This trip is perfect for singles, couples, or a weekend getaway with friends. We will be walking some of the time together, and some of the time on our own. And, we’ll walk rain or shine!

This is a safe, socially distanced, outdoor activity.

The entire pilgrimage will be supported by Christa as she offers helpful tools to reflect on your life and gain insight into what your soul is wanting to say to you.

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Summer "Soul-o" DIY Mini Retreats - anytime & anywhere!
to Sep 22

Summer "Soul-o" DIY Mini Retreats - anytime & anywhere!

  • Google Calendar ICS

Summer “Soul-o”

DIY Mini- Retreats to Refresh all Summer Long

If you’re looking for a summer of soul-full abundance, these 6 self-guided mini-retreats will lead you toward more health, happiness, and vitality.

Think of it like a spa for your soul all summer long!

We will explore six themes (see below) that mirror the movements of the summer season so that when September arrives you will have a new perspective and gratitude that you long for.

You can use one, two, or all six of these retreats. The choice is yours!

Each of the 6 mini retreats will include:

  • a short video by Christa exploring the theme

  • a guide to offer unique practices that help bring more play to your soul!

  • poetry, music, podcasts, and videos to support your experience

  • plus, there will be 3 optional Zoom gatherings with Christa and other participants

This will be a unique experience that is designed to restore you, and not overwhelm you.

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(Full) Wide Alive 2023
to Jun 7

(Full) Wide Alive 2023

Mind Clear | Heart Light | Body Loved | Soul Strong

Your adventure to greater awareness, love and personal transformation is about to begin.

While you may want to frame this experience as “a course”, or “a learning cohort”, it may be best to describe this as a “community of belonging & practice”. This will be an experience that supports participants with practical steps to live with vitality, compassion, presence, and hope - to live Wide Alive, even when it’s difficult.

This is not a self-help program, but a “self-hope” experience. It isn’t a course to fix yourself, but to find yourself, and live with aliveness in whatever circumstance you find yourself in. Christa will serve not simply as a guide, but as a fellow pilgrim too.

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Embody Advent (Afternoon Session)
1:30 PM13:30

Embody Advent (Afternoon Session)

Could this Advent season really be about experiencing some comfort & joy? What if tuning into all of your senses, and surrendering to the Reality of your life leads you to an awakened connection and appreciation for yourself, others, God, and the natural world.

Could wonder & awe be the doorway to get us there?

Whether you’re brand new to the season of Advent, or this season has been a meaningful part of your year for a long time, you’re invited to take a few hours to reset, refresh, and restore.

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Embody Advent (Morning Session)
10:00 AM10:00

Embody Advent (Morning Session)

Could this Advent season really be about experiencing some comfort & joy? What if tuning into all of your senses, and surrendering to the Reality of your life leads you to an awakened connection and appreciation for yourself, others, God, and the natural world.

Could wonder & awe be the doorway to get us there?

Whether you’re brand new to the season of Advent, or this season has been a meaningful part of your year for a long time, you’re invited to take a few hours to reset, refresh, and restore.

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 (Full) Soul Circle Fall 2022
to Nov 8

(Full) Soul Circle Fall 2022

Are you looking for a unique way to deepen your connection to your soul, tune into Spirit, ground in God, develop discernment, and discover new ways to pray? Whether you have been a person of faith for a long time, are in a season of doubt and disorientation, or coming into a brand new awareness of the Divine in your life, regardless of tradition or creed, spiritual direction can be valuable support on a person’s spiritual path.

  • 6 Tuesdays, beginning Tuesday, October 4, 2022

  • 7:30pm EST - 9:00pm EST

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Autumn Saunter: 8km-10km Loop Trail in gorgeous Elora, Ontario
1:00 PM13:00

Autumn Saunter: 8km-10km Loop Trail in gorgeous Elora, Ontario

Are you looking for an experience to reset and refresh for the season ahead? Need a bit of time to move your body, and listen to your soul, all while walking in peace?

There’s something incredibly restorative about the rural, pastoral landscape of southwestern Ontario. These reflective walking experiences will help you tune in, and gain clarity and perspective for the days ahead.

Give yourself the gift of slowing down, so you can wake up and listen to your soul.

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