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The Year That Was & The One To come

Each year that pass is unique.

Individually, and collectively, we all go through the 365 days of the year bravely, never knowing what tomorrow holds.

Your own individual path has held profound moments since the turn of the calendar year many months ago - moments that have shaped your present and will shape the year to come.

It’s no wonder that so many of us have an impulse to reflect on the events of our year, how they’ve shaped us, the lessons we’ve learned, and taking time to intentionally imagine the year to come.

In this DIY online experience, Christa , over the course of 4, short videos, will thoughtfully guide you through soul-centered reflection and experiential exercises that will give you the tools to process your year, know yourself better, and take your next right step for the year to come.

You’ll walk away with calm-clarity and centered-hope for the days ahead.

This simple & refresheing online experience is designed to help you:

  • REVIEW: Identify your own key soul-shaping moments from the previous year

  • REFLECT: Take time to discover what truly moved you and its impact on you

  • REFRAME: Address this year’s disappointments, challenges, and pain with gentleness & ground yourself in what is most true

  • RECLAIM: Make a realistic ‘plan’ to re-align and find resilient ways of living well in the year to come