Personal Pandemic Evaluation (your own PPE)

Lots will be said about the pandemic this week.

What do you have to say?

If you live in North America, there's a good chance you've got a date in your calendar this week to mark, "the one year" of your COVID-19 life.

Perhaps the greatest gift you can give yourself and those around you is an honest appraisal of where you’ve been and where you’re going at this profound moment in the pandemic.

Why not use this FREE "Personal Pandemic Evaluation" on your own, round the table with family, the bonfire with friends, the zoom meeting with colleagues, or your small group.

Our ability to slow down, and wake up to our transformed lives at the one-year mark of this pandemic will help us love well. How could it not? A gentle tuning-in can show us just how remarkable we all are for enduring these last 12 months, and help point the way for the days ahead.



1.What pandemic "lifelines" have become part of your "lifestyle"? Any of these you should keep? Any you'd like to adjust or let-go of one year in?

2. As you think about your relationships, how has the pandemic improved, stalled, or dissolved them?  Is there anything you'd like to see happen in these relationships? Any next steps you could take?

3. What have you lost this year? How are you paying attention to, and expressing your grief? Who is bearing witness to this with you?

4. What have you gained this year? How are you expressing gratitude and celebrating? Can you see any connection between your grief and your gain?

5. What mental/emotional/spiritual muscles have grown this year? What has atrophied? Can you be gracious to both your strength & weakness today?

6. What area(s) of your life will there be expectations to "return to normal" that you do not want to return to? (ie. schedule, commitments, affiliations)

7. What good pandemic habits will be threatened once things "open back up"?

8. What qualities and characteristics have you observed this year in yourself and your community that you admire? Is there a way you'd like to invest and cultivate these moving forward?

9. What aspects of the future are you really looking forward to? List as many things you can think of! What expectations of the future might you be invited to hold more loosely today?

10. Who has had a much harder pandemic experience than you? (Think of three people... you might know them, or not). What can you do today to acknowledge this and provide some support?


1. If I could describe my pandemic year in five words, they would be________________.

2. A year ago I __________, but now I __________.

3. The biggest surprise of this year has been ____________.

4. If you would have told me a year ago that ___________, I would have ___________.

5. If I could do this year all over again, I'd ____________.

6.  One of the biggest lessons I've learned about myself this year is ____________.

7. In March 2022, one year from now, I'd hope that _____________.

8.  For the next three months, I need _____________.

9.  The first thing I'd like to do once my community and I are vaccinated is __________.

10. My prayer for the global human family is ____________________________.